I am sorry I do not speak English well. I am a tree collector from Poland. I have over 200 species and varieties. I am most interested in yews. At the moment I have 55 varieties. In Europe, there is a problem with obtaining Taxus canadensis and Taxus brevifolia seedlings . Can you send them to Poland? Regards Gregory
Interestingly the juicy red, delicious stuff in a pomegranate or white edible portion of a lychee is also called an aril. Arils are a sort of false fruit. Fruit is actually tissue derived from a plant's ovary surrounding the seeds in angiosperms (also known as flowering plants). Yews are considered gymnosperms. However, instead of bearing woody cones, the reproductive part of yews consists of a single seed with fleshy, red covering that is through to be a very much modified cone scale.
I am sorry I do not speak English well.
I am a tree collector from Poland. I have over 200 species and varieties. I am most interested in yews. At the moment I have 55 varieties. In Europe, there is a problem with obtaining Taxus canadensis and Taxus brevifolia seedlings . Can you send them to Poland?
the branching structure is quite unique too.
Are the arils unique to yews?
Interestingly the juicy red, delicious stuff in a pomegranate or white edible portion of a lychee is also called an aril. Arils are a sort of false fruit. Fruit is actually tissue derived from a plant's ovary surrounding the seeds in angiosperms (also known as flowering plants). Yews are considered gymnosperms. However, instead of bearing woody cones, the reproductive part of yews consists of a single seed with fleshy, red covering that is through to be a very much modified cone scale.
Used to have 50 on my dads property as a kid
Used to eat the bark of the tree cause it was there and tasted good lol
Are you speaking to us from the afterlife?
Cured your cancer!